How to configure WordPress

The website folders is located in /var/www/html  folder

The password for the root user on the MySQL server is the name of your instance ( for example i-123456780123445)

Before accessing phpMyAdmin you need to edit the phpMyAdmin.conf file by issuing the following command “ sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf ”

  • Once you opened the file modify the following lines.
    • # Require ip your_computers_public_ip_address
    •   Require local
  • You need to add your Ip address instead of the “your_computers_public_ip_address” line and delete the # sign .
  • On the second line you need to add a # at the beginning. At the end it should look something like this
  • After you are finished modifying the file, issue the following command “ sudo service httpd restart “ to restart the Apache server
  • Now you can access phpMyAdmin by opening the following link  http://your_instances_ip/phpmyadmin

Connect to phpmyadmin using the root user and the default password ( the instance name)

Create database used for WordPress . Select Databases / enter the name for the new database and click Create

Create user used for WordPress.

Select the Privileges button and click on the Add user account.

Fill the required fields as seen in the picture bellow. Replace the “test” username with a username of your choice

Grant privileges on database

Press Go

After creating the database and the user go to your website http://your_instance_ip/ and use the wizard to configure WordPress

For any issues regarding the configuration please contact

Thank you